The SAP Cloud Platform, SAP HANA Service is available in both the Neo and Cloud Foundry environments. Neo is hosted in SAP data centers, Cloud Foundry is provided by Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform and Microsoft Azure.At the time of writing and recording of the video tutorials, the version available in the Neo environment is a maintenance revision from SAP HANA 1.0 SPS 12. In Cloud Foundry, we encounter the latest revision of the SAP HANA cloud edition database.
In Neo, you create database systems (single container or multi-tenant). In Cloud Foundry, you create service instances.
Which one to choose?
It depends.
A good place to start is the Feature Scope Description document. How this works, we explain in the first video. In video number 2 and 3, we show you how to create a database system (and tenant database) in Neo, and how to create a service instance in Cloud Foundry and how they are different.
Thanks for watching.
YouTube Playlist(s)
The tutorials below have been posted to the following playlists:See also Philiip’s blog
Feature Scope Description
In this first video tutorial, we cover what features of the SAP HANA Service are available in the different SAP Cloud Platform environments, as documented in the Feature Scope Description.For the documentation, see

SAP HANA Service, Create Database System (Neo)
In this video tutorial, we show how to create a new Database System and a new tenant database for the SAP Cloud Platform, SAP HANA Service in the Neo environment.For the documentation, see
- Install Database Systems – SAP HANA Service in the Neo environments (SAP and Microsoft Azure Regions)
- Creating Databases – SAP HANA Service in the Neo environments (SAP and Microsoft Azure Regions)
SAP HANA Service, Create Database Service (Cloud Foundry)
In this video tutorial, we show how to create a new Database Instance a for the SAP Cloud Platform, SAP HANA Service in the Cloud Foundry environment.For the documentation, see
- Create an SAP HANA Service Instance Using the Cloud Cockpit – SAP Cloud Platform, SAP HANA Service Getting Started Guide (AWS, GCP)
- Find the Right Guide
- SAP Cloud Platform SAP HANA Service – SAP Help Portal
- SAP Cloud Platform, SAP HANA Service– Product Info
- 2715242 – HANA as a Service (HaaS) – Information Resources
- What’s New in SAP Cloud Platform, SAP HANA Service
Thank you for watching
The SAP HANA Academy provides free online video tutorials for the developers, consultants, partners and customers of SAP HANA.Topics range from practical how-to instructions on administration, data loading and modeling, and integration with other SAP solutions, to more conceptual projects to help build out new solutions using mobile applications or predictive analysis.
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