One bot to solve a problem
In a previous post, called “A little but powerful SAP Intelligent RPA bot for SAP S/4HANA“, I presented a way to easily unlock profit or costs centers on S/4HANA.
Actually, during the financial closing period, there are many small sets of tasks that are done manually,
Actually, during the financial closing period, there are many small sets of tasks that are done manually,
Depending on the size of the company, the workload may be important, but this period should not take days and days to perform. It should not…
Without any help, the process could be boring, because repetitive, and we are often stuck on issues that cost time… Almost need to work eight days a week…
With a little help from my bots…
Concerning the locked centers, the “Unlock” bot is possibly launched by an user, after the depreciation phase has been attempted.
This is one good point on the way to the savings…
This is one good point on the way to the savings…
In the same time, there’s also another bot that can help in running the depreciation.
One bot, two bots… In that way, the accountant is able to choose which one to launch, and when…
One bot, two bots… In that way, the accountant is able to choose which one to launch, and when…
The bots can be launched manually, contextually, at the user’s initiative.
Or we can mix the two bots, so that they can launch in turn, using the input data, corresponding to the output data that the previous launch updated.
Or we can mix the two bots, so that they can launch in turn, using the input data, corresponding to the output data that the previous launch updated.
This movie presents the depreciation process, using 2 bots, that come together…
A store of pre-built bots
Indeed, if we get back to the Intelligent RPA store, we’ve got many single bots to help the users, in the SAP Intelligent RPA Store, and more and more each week…
These small bots allow a wide range of uses:
- unitary use, for a given function. No need to update the bot.
- joint use of several unitary robots, which feed each other with the data produced. It just means that the intermediate data are in the same place, in the same format. Excel could be a good compromise.
- merging the robots in a single process, which uses several scenarios, depending on the case encountered.
I want to tell you that you’ve got the choice…
The best strategy
Before trying to imagine the use of one or two bots, let’s focus on the complete process…
Every little thing that can help is welcome.
Every little thing that can help is welcome.
For our depreciation process, you could ask me why we couldn’t imagine a way to systematically unlock all the centers, before the run…
An easy way to prepare the process?
An easy way to prepare the process?
No no… if the centers are locked, that’s for good reasons… So we have to unlock, and then re-lock them quickly after run the depreciation…
Yes… after a depreciation, we have to re-lock the centers…
So, let’s recap: depreciation, unlock, depreciation, lock. And may be several unlocks and depreciation…
That’s what the movie shows, summarized in that slide:
In conclusion
Do you want to know a secret?
The experience we have in the development of automated processes shows us that the use of unitary robots orchestrated by a master process, is the most efficient way to achieve the automation.
The experience we have in the development of automated processes shows us that the use of unitary robots orchestrated by a master process, is the most efficient way to achieve the automation.
The bots maintenance will be easier with a modular and granular approach.
The ready to use small bots we developed Yesterday could be re-used in other automation.
And finally, if you have a BPM tool, as we have at SAP, you can call the different small bots, at any step.
so many reasons to adopt a good strategy from the start…
Now… you know what to do…
so many reasons to adopt a good strategy from the start…
Now… you know what to do…
Special containment gift
And by the way, during the containment, why don’t you take a while to listen to eternal great songs…
Here’s the link to search for the titles I used in that post…
Here’s the link to search for the titles I used in that post…
And… a direct link to the complete Youtube channel...
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