As you probably already know, you can analyze your ABAP custom code for the SAP Cloud Platform ABAP Environment using the Remote ABAP Test Cockpit with the ATC central check system on the SAP_BASIS 7.52 and Cloud readiness checks.
You can also analyze your ABAP custom code for SAP S/4HANA readiness using the SAP Fiori Custom Code Migration App in an SAP S/4HANA 1809 system based on the same remote ABAP Test Cockpit infrastructure.
Often SAP customers experience the problem, that they have neither SAP_BASIS 7.52 nor SAP S/4HANA 1809 system in their landscapes, and therefore the custom code analysis was not even possible.
Therefore, starting with the SAP Cloud Platform ABAP Environment 1908 we offer an option in the Cloud to execute custom code analysis for your on-premise SAP systems. You can now use the SAP Fiori App Custom Code Migration in the Cloud to analyze your ABAP custom code for both use cases: SAP S/4HANA conversion and Cloud readiness.
The advantages of the Cloud-based offering for custom code analysis are apparent. You don’t need to install and maintain an additional SAP system in your landscape. Beyond this you can immediately consume the newest innovations of the ABAP stack and the newest custom code checks because of quarterly shipment schedule, and delegate all infrastructure, lifecycle management and operational tasks to cloud operation.
The SAP Fiori App Custom Code Migration runs in the SAP Cloud Platform ABAP Environment and performs remotely, depending on your use case, SAP S/4HANA or Cloud readiness checks for the custom code in your on-premise SAP system. The App provides the analytical presentation of the ABAP Test Cockpit check results with comprehensive filtering and navigation capabilities. During custom code analysis the App identifies, which custom code can be adapted in a semi-automated way using the Quick Fixes in ABAP Development Tools (ADT).
Technical Setup
After the setup the SAP Fiori App Custom Code Migration will run in SAP Cloud Platform ABAP Environment and will check custom code in your on-premise SAP system using the remote ATC infrastructure with RFC through SAP Cloud Connector:

The procedure for setting up the SAP Fiori App Custom Code Migration in the Cloud is as following:
- First you need to purchase the entitlement to SAP Cloud Platform ABAP Environment. For more details see SAP Cloud Platform, ABAP environment on SAP Cloud Platform web site or SAP Cloud Platform, ABAP environment in the SAP Store.
- After that you have to set up your SAP Cloud Platform ABAP Environment as described in Getting Started with a Customer Account: Workflow in the ABAP Environment
- Then you need to get a user in the SAP Cloud Platform ABAP Environment Connect to the ABAP System.
- Afterwards you must enable the SAP Fiori App Custom Code Migration in the Cloud to check your SAP on-premise system. Use SAP documentation on SAP Help Portal Enable Usage of the Custom Code Migration App.
- Finally for your on-premise SAP system you need to apply the SAP Notes mentioned in SAP Note 2364916 for the Checked System (Recommended SAP Notes for using ATC to perform remote analysis)and apply the SAP Note 2599695 (Custom Code Migration Fiori App: Remote Stubs for the Checked System).
- Now you can start the SAP Fiori App Custom Code Migration on your SAP Fiori Launchpad in the Cloud and create your first Custom Code Migration Project.
ABAP custom code analysis for SAP S/4HANA
For detailed step-by-step guidance on how to use the SAP Fiori App Custom Code Migration to analyze your custom code for SAP S/4HANA readiness please refer to the blog Custom code analysis for SAP S/4HANA with SAP Fiori App Custom Code Migration.
ABAP custom code analysis for Cloud
For detailed step-by-step guidance on how to analyze your custom code for Cloud readiness with SAP Fiori App Custom Code Migration please refer to the blog How to check your ABAP code for SAP Cloud Platform ABAP Environment.
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