This document is intended to provide quick and concrete common post conversion to S/4HANA tips that customers can include (if relevant) in their first conversion cycle and embrace these as part of their conversion journey so that this possible issue don’t arise during the production conversion.
We will cover subject topics related to:
- Technical Post conversion tips and suggestions
- Finance Post SUM Conversion tips and suggestions
- Logistics Post conversion tips and suggestions
Note that this blog does not replace the post conversion steps documented in the S/4HANA conversion guide but rather complements it.
Technical Post conversion tips and suggestions
Conversion to SAP S/4HANA SUM Tool
SUM Logs: After the technical conversion, review SUM logs for errors.
- Review LONGPOST.LOG for the list of problems during the conversion
- Apply correction or apply notes reported for each errors BEFORE resuming operation
Conversion to SAP S/4HANA Fiori
Applications availability: After the conversion and upgrade, ensure Fiori Launchpad and applications can run properly
- Run report /UI5/APP_INDEX_CALCULATE to update SAPUI5 application index
- Run report /UI2/GET_APP_DESCR_REMOTE_ALL to replicate app descriptors
- Invalidate cache such as transactions /UI2/INVALIDATE_GLOBAL_CACHES and /UI2/INVALIDATE_CLIENT_CACHES
Conversion to SAP S/4HANA Basis Tasks
Other key tasks: After the conversion, several additional Basis tasks are needed
- Release suspended batch jobs, program BRCTRNS2
- Confirm new WF user is SAP_WFRT not WF-BATCH
- Review Workflow Configuration
- Activate business functions for Fiori: FIN_FSCM_CLM, FIN_FSCM_BNK, FIN_REP_SIMPL_2,FIN_REP_SIMPL3, FIN_REP_SIMPL4, FIN_LOC_SRF
- Execute SGEN
- Check HANA Log Mode – Change if necessary; undo parameter changes from FI data migration.
- Monitor ST22 and fix any ABAP dumps
- Review certificates pertaining to SSO, PSE regeneration if needed
- SSL certificates to use SAN (Subject Alternative Name) for Google Chrome Note 2725592
- Update NW kernel patch if required
- Implement SAP Note 2606478 REGENERATE_SAP_NEW, then, run the report
Conversion to SAP S/4HANA Data Handling
Obsolete Data Handling: After the conversion, how to delete obsolete data ?
- Deletion rules delivered by SAP will run in PRD without business downtime, if you:
- Successful validated the system conversion
- Tested the deletion rules successfully in an appropriate test system (copy of PRD)
- Created a backup of database
- Deletion depends on data model change: rows or columns or entire tables
- Recommended SAP Notes:
- SAP Note 2661837
- SAP Note 2190137
Finance Post SUM Conversion tips and suggestions
Conversion to SAP S/4HANA Finance Migration
Dumps in MUJ execution: When the MUJ step is in execution, your SAP HANA Database starts maxing out on CPU usage and then generates dumps for out of memory situations.
- Change DB parameters:
- ini -> [execution] -> max_concurrency_hint –
- set it to 20indexserver.ini [optimize_compression]
- row_order_optimizer_threads -> set it to 20
- Set Statement memory limit to 750 GB
- Change the code in stored procedure to include a hint ZCL_FINS_MIG_UJ_HDB_GENERATED=>CREATE_CORRECTION
- Recommended Notes
- SAP Note 2712348
- SAP Note 2811658
Conversion to SAP S/4HANA Finance
Deprecated transactions: After the conversion, transactions such as KA0, CPV1, KB21 etc. are deprecated.
- Use transaction ST03N to list transaction codes and programs used in the system in the past and check which ones have been replaced with newer transactions, programs, or WebDynpro applications.
- Adjust authorization roles for the relevant roles
- Consider the use of new Fiori Apps
- Find deprecated transactions in the simplification list.
- Recommended Notes
- SAP Note 2270335
- SAP Note 2742613
Old Variants: After the conversion old variants are missing – not migrated automatically
- Execute report RSVCHECK to find out which variants are obsolete(Note 153865).
- Execute program RSVARDOC_46X or RSVARDOC_610 to adjust the obsolete variants.
- Recommended Notes
- SAP Note 1953229
- SAP Note 241876
Note: DO NOT execute RSVARDOC_46X/RSVARDOC_610 towards all variants, please ONLY adjust the variants found by RSVCHECK. Otherwise unexpected issues may happen(like value
Conversion to SAP S/4HANA FSCM
House Banks: After the system conversion, transaction FI12 is not supported SAP S/4HANA 1610 and 1709. However, you want to re-enable this transaction code for a simple maintenance view of house banks.
- Implement note 2646577 to enable FI12 or upgrade to OP1809.
- Note: that with this transaction, it is only possible to create House Banks like earlier.
- To create the House Bank Accounts you still have to access either the NWBC app or the Fiori App ‘Manage Bank Accounts’. This transaction has links/buttons to launch the NWBC app for Create/Change based on the action you execute.
- Recommended Notes
Workaround A (preferred):
- Assign SAP Standard Role “SAP_SFIN_CASH_MANAGER” to users.
- Run transaction NWBC and open the “Cash Manager” cockpit
- Run “Manage Bank Accounts” app.
Workaround B:
- Obtain WDA technical application name and configuration name from Fiori Apps library
- Manually build access URL as follows:

- Use application
Check these SAP Notes:
- SAP Note 2424544
- SAP Note 2463516
- SAP Note 2752986
Conversion to SAP S/4HANA Finance UX
FIORI Embedded Analytics Report: FIORI Finance Embedded Analytics reports will not show data
- Fiori Apps consume the new ABAP development model for S/4HANA meaning that some applications will be able to expose analytics information on their own. Hence to obtain a correct behavior you will need to setup the Embedded Analytics Engine.
- Recommended Notes
- SAP Note 2289865
- SAP Note 1972819
Conversion to SAP S/4HANA Cash Management
Financial Information: After the conversion, FF7AN and FF7BN – Financial information is not record in FQM_FLOW
- Execute transaction FQM_INITIALIZE to load or reload transactional data apply note 2556759 to schedule the background jobs automatically
- For additional information check this blog:
- Recommended Notes
Conversion to SAP S/4HANA Finance
Special fields not available in Tx FBL*N and FAGLL03: After conversion, Transactions FBL*N, FAGLL03. S4HANA no special fields for line items display are available.
- Execute program BALVBUFDEL to rest the buffer and program RFPOSXEXTEND to regenerate the structures
- Recommended Notes
- SAP Note 984305
- SAP Note 2816517
Conversion to SAP S/4HANA FSCM
Credit Management Migration: After conversion, Risk category is not maintained in the BP
- Risk category -> Risk class maintained for the whole business partner (not per customer & credit control area), as the probability of a credit default of your customer does depend on the characteristics of your customer and not your internal organizational structures.
Conversion to SAP S/4HANA Controlling
Allocations: After conversion, you can face dumps in transaction KSU5, KSV5, KSW5
- This is not an issue associated to S4HANA migration. The error can be seen in upgrades or client copies.
- Run program RK811UP or RK811XST
- Recommended Notes
Conversion to SAP S/4HANA Finance
Currency conversion and parallel currencies introduction via SLO projects: Currency conversion projects and projects for introduction of an additional parallel currency done by the SLO team, follow an approach where only the current fiscal year is reconciled. These inconsistencies are highlighted by the conversion tools as errors.
- The errors can be accepted, as the note explains and when the required prerequisites are met.
- Recommended Notes
Conversion to SAP S/4HANA Asset Accounting
Common Error messages, after the conversion, these are some possible errors to solve:
- R23 FINS_RECON_741 No entry in compatibility view item for entry in original table (ANEP)
- R23 FINS_RECON_744 Mismatched amount** (ANEP)
- R24&R25 FINS_RECON_761 Mismatched balance for ANLC
Use of program RAFABNEW, in ECC with New Asset Accounting, for opening posting depreciation areas, as a new area belonging to a certain accounting principle will be copied from a different accounting principle. In ECC, this will not be directly visible as Asset Accounting and GL are not ‘’merged’’ but once in S4, the reporting in GL will also be impacted. Program RAFABNEW is still available in New Asset Accounting in ECC.
- You have to consider a Custom program.
- Recommended Notes
Conversion error, during conversion the following error message appears: R21- FINS_RECON795 – Line Items ANEP/ANEA differs from Totals ANLC
Standard RAFABNEW is a template program and the recommendation is to check if it should be used as it is or should rather be adjusted.
If not adjusted, it will use different exchange rates:
- ANLC – first acquisition date
- ANEP/ANEA – asset value date
- Execute the programs ZACORR110 and ZACORR55 included in the following note:
- Recommended Notes
New Asset Accounting prerequisites (RASFIN_MIGR_PRECHECK), during your conversion process you get the following error: ACC_AA101 (“Ledger group &1 is not assigned to CoCd &2 and chart of depreciation &3“) – or different error message but with the similar root cause
The reason is because more company codes are sharing the same chart of depreciation but their Ledger set up is not aligned.
- Create a new Chart of Depreciation and use the below pilot note to change the assignment of the company code to the chart of depreciation
- Recommended Notes
Conversion to SAP S/4HANA Finance Performance
Performance issues with Program, Tcodes or Queries: System is slow in general due to problem with CPU, MEMORY. I/O or table locks, use HANA_Configuration_MiniChecks script to check and follow recommended notes depending on issue found with configuration script.
- After migration to HANA DB for ECC or Suite on HANA system reports and transactions are slow, check that you are using HANA optimized transactions and application switches are enabled as per the PDF called SoH_Optimizations_2014_10_24.pdf attached
- Recommended Documentation
Logistics Post conversion tips and suggestions
Conversion to SAP S/4HANA Cross topics
Business Partner new approach: After the conversion, Business Partner is the leading object and BP is the only transaction available to create and edit business partners including customer and vendor data in S/4HANA.
- Complete post conversion configuration and test the creation and/or maintenance of customers and vendors with Transaction BP.
- Number range designation of internal vs external is adjusted as required for Customer Account Groups, Vendor Account Groups, and BP Groupings.
- If your S/4HANA system has integration with other SAP systems such as EWM, TM, SCM, etc. or non-SAP systems, test all the business processes that involve integration.
- Ensure that security roles for BP are built appropriately and tested. This is important especially if SAP HCM is in use, because employee BPs are created in S/4HANA.
- If SAP HCM is in use, confirm that employee vendors are created as BP of category “Person” and not “Organization”. Check SAP Note Sync employees to BPs (Note 2340095).
- If SAP HCM is in use, confirm that employee vendors are properly linked to the corresponding BPs if employee BPs already existed in the ERP system.
- Validate if custom fields (if any) are available in BP transaction to view and update
- Validate account group based customer and vendor screen layout customizing is not affected
Deprecated transactions i.e Sourcing and Procurement: After the conversion, transactions such as ME21, ME22, etc. are deprecated
- Test the maintenance of purchase orders, purchase requisitions with Tx ME21N /ME22N / ME23N, etc.
- Adjust authorization roles for the relevant roles
- Consider the use of new Fiori Apps
- Find deprecated transactions in the simplification list document.
- Recommended Notes
Conversion to SAP S/4HANA, Sourcing and Procurement
Invoice verification authorization object: After the conversion, at SAP S/4HANA new authorization object is available for logistics invoice verification
- The standard roles delivered with SAP S/4HANA contain this new authorization object. If the customer roles are derived from these standard roles, you must do the following:
- Edit the values of the organizational levels for the new authorization object M_RECH_BUK.
- Regenerate the profiles related to the roles using PFCG.
- If you have created a customized role, you must manually insert the authorization object M_RECH_BUK into the role. You can do this preliminary work once SAP S/4HANA is available.
- Recommended Notes
Conversion to SAP S/4HANA, Inventory Management
Data consistency: The conversion of the MM-IM data model is a complex process handling a very high volume of data. Verify that data is consistent afterwards.
- Confirm in ERP and Re-confirm the S/4HANA conversion with consistent data. You can use the standard consistency check tools like MB5K and MB5L to analyze your data.
- SAP Note 2679566 – S4HANA MM-IM data model conversion
- Check the migration result in the following SUM log files
- SAP Note 2238690 – S/4HANA MM-IM migration by SUM)
- If the migration logic detected an issue and created an error, post-processing or info message check
- SAP Note 2236753
Deprecated transactions: After the conversion, transactions such as MB1A, MB1B, etc. are deprecated (SAP Note 2210569).
- Test the handling of objects like purchase orders, purchase requisitions with Tx MIGO.
- Make sure that the business relevant movement types are updated for transaction MIGO in OMJJ customizing.
- Adjust authorization roles for inventory management roles
- Use Fiori
Conversion to SAP S/4HANA Settlement Management
New rebates approach: After the conversion, SAP SD/MM rebates in ERP functionality is deprecated.
- Make sure Condition Contract Settlement by Settlement Management is customized and supports all your business needs. Detailed information available in SAP Note 2267377 – SD Rebate Processing Replaced by Settlement Management.
- Make sure that Settlement Documents (Credit and Debit Notes) are included in any e-invoice framework and reporting needed (this may require enhancement).
- Adjust authorization roles for Condition Contract maintenance, report and settlement.
- Make sure SD/MM rebate agreements are up to date and extended up to the validity date required before conversion. SD/MM rebate agreements can be processes up, but not extended or created after conversion.
Note: This can be done before conversion!!
Conversion to SAP S/4HANA Order to cash
SAP Credit Management (FIN-FSCM-CR): After the conversion, SAP ERP FI-AR credit management functionality is not supported.
- Adjust authorization roles for SAP Credit Management (FIN-FSCM-CR) processing, data maintenance and reporting required for Order to Cash roles.
- Perform the required actions attached to the note 2270544 – S4TWL – Credit Management for minimum configuration of SAP Credit Management in S/4HANA.
- Check Open Items (Orders, Deliveries, Billing Documents) are updated successfully on SAP Credit Management after conversion.
Conversion to SAP S/4HANA Quality Management
Print-out of QM Inspection Plans: After the conversion, Adobe Document Services (ADS) is mandatory for printing inspection plans in SAP S/4HANA using QP05 or QP08 (SAP Note 2754848).
“cannot find PDL type for output device LOCL”
- Print an Inspection Plan after the conversion in Sandbox.
- If your project will not install ADS, there is a workaround to create a copy of the old report (SAP note 2763674).
Conversion to SAP S/4HANA Plant Maintenance
Notification Reports: After the conversion, the “Notification status” in the reports IW28/IW29 becomes mandatory.
- To populate this field, it is required to run the report QM_PHASE_FILL. To create the report, follow the instructions described in the (SAP note 551133).
Note: This can be done before conversion!!
Conversion to SAP S/4HANA MRP
Planning Files: MRP planning file entries need to be regenerated because of the system conversion.
- Consider the following note for the creation of planning file entries in the new DB table PPH_DBVM (SAP note 2509418).
- For further information on Planning File Entry Differences between S/4HANA and ERP check this note (SAP note 2642499).
Hope you enjoyed this blog with special thanks to all RIG members that worked on this recommendations.
Thanks and Best Regards,