When you report your financial operations to AFIP (Administración Federal de Ingresos Públicos) in Argentina through the Argentina Tax Reporting (RPFIGLAR_TAXREPORTING) report, the system extracts all the relevant information required by the government and prepares it in an output for you to send it to tax authorities.
One of the required information that is extracted and included in the output files of the Argentina Tax Reporting report are the import dispatch documents that you create for imported goods in FB01 or FB60 transactions.
To make sure you report the correct information in the correct way so that you are compliant with AFIP requirements about import dispatch documents, it’s important that you have your system correctly configured for the data extraction.
To help you on this, we have created the knowledge base article (KBA) 2763445 – Import Dispatch Documents for Argentina. There you find the best practices for creating import dispatch documents in FB01 or FB60 transactions.

For blindsided people to see: The picture shows a screenshot of the SAP system in FB60 transaction.
We hope this KBA is useful for you!
The full documentation of the Argentina Tax Reporting report is in the system. You can access it by choosing the F1 help button. The most updated version of the text is delivered in SAP Note 2809400 – Argentina Tax Reporting (RPFIGLAR_TAXREPORTING): Report Documentation, so make sure you have applied it to your system.
You can also make use of the KBA 2463319 – Argentina’s Reporting Troubleshooting Guide for any questions you might have about the report.
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Do you have more doubts about Argentina Tax Reporting? Leave them in the comments below, your question can be the subject of our next post.
See you next time and stay compliant,
#SAPGoGlobal #SAPLocalization

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