terça-feira, 9 de junho de 2020

SAP Cloud Platform Architecture

Introduction: In this Blog I am going to discuss on one of the way through which a company can define it’s SCP landscape architecture in SAP Cloud and it will help them to follow proper maintenance strategies too.

Assumption: I am assuming that people reading this blog has some understanding about the architectural design, which other cloud providers like AWS, GCP, Azure or Oracle are following (At least the VPC and Subnet design part).

SCP Architecture: Once a subscription is bought from SAP the customer is getting a Global Account based on it’s Preferred Region of the world.
For all the customer who is already using Cloud or has the strategy for moving the ERP Landscape to cloud, defining or selecting a region is equally important and accordingly SAP customers has to select the region for there Global account. This will help in lowering the latency during the latter part when the System migrated to Cloud.

There is a similarity if we compare the architecture of SCP with Cloud Providers and the similarity which I find is as follows:

  1. SCP Global Account->Cloud Provider (AWS/GCP/AZURE) Subscription
  2. SCP Region->Cloud Provider (AWS/GCP/AZURE) Region of Server Provisioning and VPC (We can take the Region as VPC as well)
  3. SCP Subaccount-> Subnets in Cloud Provider (AWS/GCP/AZURE)

Note: The above points are just an assumption for your understanding so that one can easily correlate the Cloud and SCP architecture.
Before one can proceed with SCP Landscape architecture one has to maintain a template through which Business requirement can be gathered and accordingly resources are aligned in SCP. One such decision making flowchart is as follows:

The above flow chart will be more clear if you see one of the many options for the SCP landscape architecture design which is as follows:

Maintaining budget and costing across different projects in an organization is the most critical work and one can simplify this by choosing right strategy of defining quota as per the Budget of the project. In the above diagram it is the responsibility of the administrator to get all the detail about the Resource requirement (like CPU, RAM, SAAS or PAAS instances) and accordingly define the Quota and get it attached to the Project which is represented by the SPACE in the above diagram.

The maintenance/testing strategy will be defined by the Application team. If there is a need for transport path to setup then it has to be done according to the diagram shown above.

SCP Integration with AWS ERP Landscape:  Here the following diagram is just for your reference to get a glimpse on who SCP is getting connected with once (AWS) Cloud account:

The Below diagram talks about how SCP SAP HANA Service is integrated with DataLake service of AWS cloud provider:

Conclusion: I have tried to incorporate the designing and integration strategy together in this blog. If you have any query then please feel free to reach me by asking questions.

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