This blog is focused on Configuration of Business Partners in S/4 HANA
The reason to create this blog is, I encountered difficulties in the customizing of Business Partners during the implementation of S/4HANA OP1610.
This blog covers the concepts of:
1. Introduction
2 .ECC Accounts Receivables & Accounts Payables Configuration Steps.
3. Cross Application Components for Business Partners in S/4 HANA
4. Customer & Vendor Integration (CVI)
5. Creation of Customer & Vendor Master using T – Code: BP
This concept needs better explanation so designed in 8 Series (links)
1.Project Managers
2. SAP Consultants
1. Define Account Groups with Screen Layout (Customers)
SPRO → IMG → Financial Accounting (NEW) → Accounts Receivable Accounts Payable → Customer Account → Master Data→ Preparations for Creating Customer Master Data
Usability: When creating a customer account, you must specify an account group.
You use the account group to determine:
- the interval for the account numbers
- whether the number is assigned internally by the system or externally by the user (type of number assignment)
- whether it is a one-time account
- which fields are ready for input or must be filled when creating and changing master records (field status)
Click on 

Maintain the entries as mentioned below:

Double Click on 

Double Click on

Make Reconciliation Account as “ Req. Entry “

Click on 

2. Define Screen Layout per Company Code (Customers)
IMG → Financial Accounting → Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payables → Customer Accounts Master → Records Preparations for Creating Customer Master Records → Define Screen Layout per Company Code (Customers)
Usability: Here in this step you specify, depending on the company code, which Company Code-dependent master record fields
- Are ready for input
- Require an entry
- Are hidden.
This specification is linked to the field status of the account group and a specification for the transaction. By means of the link, you can see which status the fields have on the entry screen for master data. In this case, the fields take on the status which has the highest priority. Hiding a field has the highest priority, followed by a display field, a required field and then an optional field:
The entry under the company code * applies to the company codes which are not explicitly entered in the table. You should not delete this entry.
Normally no configuration is required except in exceptional cases. For example, if the company codes are in different countries or some company codes do not use automatic payment processing for customers. If fields are to have an alternative status depending on the company code, specify the company code and determine the status of the fields.
We will not configure anything here since we do not want field status differently based on company codes.

3. Define Screen Layout per Activity (Customers)
IMG → Financial Accounting → Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable→ Customer Accounts → Master Records → Preparations for Creating Customer Master Records → Define Screen Layout per Activity (Customers)
Usability: In this activity you specify, depending on the transactions (display, create, change) for customer master data, which master record fields
- are ready for input
- require an entry
- are hidden.
This specification is linked with the field status of the account group and the company code-dependent specification. By means of the link, you can see which status the fields have on the entry screen for master data. In this case, the fields take on the status which has the highest priority. Hiding a field has the highest priority, followed by a display field, a required field and then an optional field:
This, particular configuration is required if the fields are to be filled when creating and are not to be changed via the change transaction. This is required for reconciliation account. The reconciliation account updated during the create mode should not be changed later on in the change mode. This will create a lot of problem. In the change mode the field should not be available for change. It should be only in the display mode.
Let us configure that.

Double click 

Double click 

Double click 

Change the reconciliation account from opt. entry to display

Click on 

Double click 

Double click 

Double click
and change reconciliation account from optional entry to display

Click on 

4. Enter Accounting Clerk Identification Code for Customers
IMG → Financial Accounting → Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable → Customer Accounts → Master Records→ Preparations for Creating Customer Master Records → Enter Accounting Clerk Identification Code for Customers
In this step, you define the names of the accounting clerks under a name identification code. You enter the identification code in the customer master records which the accounting clerk supervises. You can use this information for evaluations and for correspondence.
Click on 

Click on

5. Define Industries
IMG → Financial Accounting → Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable → Customer Accounts Master Records → Preparations for Creating Customer Master Records → Define Industries
Usability: In this activity you define the industries you require. You can group together your customers by industry. The industry field is located in the general area of the customer’s master record. You specify what industry a business partner belongs to by entering an industry key in its master record. You can use this information for evaluations, for example, to create a customer list according to industry.
We will not configure anything here. In case you want to configure click on new entries, enter a 3 digit code and description.

6 Create Number Ranges for Customer Accounts
IMG → Financial Accounting → Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable → Customer Accounts Master Records → Preparations for Creating Customer Master Records → Create Number Ranges for Customer Accounts
Usability: In this activity you create the number ranges for the customer accounts. To do this, specify the following under a two-character key:
- A number interval from which the account number for the customer accounts is to be selected
- The type of number assignment (internal or external number assignment)
- Click on
- Click on
- Maintain the number ranges as mentioned below.
- Click on
7. Assign Number Ranges to Customer Account Groups
IMG → Financial Accounting → Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable → Customer Accounts Master Records → Preparations for Creating Customer Master Records → Assign Number Ranges to Customer Account Groups
Usability: In this step you assign the number ranges you created in the preceding step to the account groups for customers. You can use one number range for several account groups
Maintain the data as mentioned below:

Click on

8. Define Tolerance Groups for Customer/Vendors
SPRO→IMG→ Financial Accounting → Accounts Receivables and Accounts Payables → Business Transactions → Open Item clearing → Clearing Differences → Define Tolerance Groups for Customer / Vendors
T-Code: OBA3
Usability: In this activity you define the tolerances for customers/vendors. The tolerances are used for dealing with payment differences and residual items that may arise when payment clearing is carried out. You specify the tolerances in one or more tolerance groups and assign a tolerance group to each customer/vendor using the master record.

Click on 

Should be Maintained as per the Clients requirement.
As of now, Just maintained the description of the Tolerance group
Update as Mentioned below in the screen shot

Click on 

Click on 

This brings the end of the ECC Accounts Receivables Configuration.
I want to make it clear that what I mentioned in the configuration is just an examples to understand the concepts and their connection points.
Pls check the previous series note as mentioned their very clearly.
Fonte: The Secrets of Business Partners in S/4 HANA – Blog Series 2/8
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