Audience: Subject Matter Experts
Author: Teresa Tay, SAP S/4HANA RIG APJ
This blog provides an overview of the key changes that are required or should be considered for MRP when performing a system conversion from SAP ERP to SAP S/4HANA.
Functional Pre-checks before conversion to S/4HANA on premise
- Pre-Transition has to be executed before the convert to S/4HANA
- Implement this note. 2216435 – Pre-checks for PP-MRP. The checks will be executed during the transition process
- Link to note
- Pre-conversion check for storage location migration report.
- Pre-upgrade check for PP-MRP functionality when preparing upgrade to S4H determined that there are some materials in the system having field DISKZ set to 1 or 2 in table MARD. This means such materials had to be excluded from planning or planned separately by means of this setting. In S4H a different way is used to achieve the same goal: a material has to be assigned to a storage location MRP Area which is either excluded from planning, or is planned separately. Therefore to keep your scenarios running as before, a conversion of the data is needed.
- The report MRP_AREA_STORAGE_LOC_MIGRATION delivered with note 2216528 can give more details about missing storage location MRP Areas. Missing storage location MRP Areas will have to be created manually
- Link to note
- Report MRP_AREA_STORAGE_LOC_MIGRATION will perform all the necessary checks one more time and if all the customizing settings are correct, will generate the missing MRP area assignments to your materials
- Further refer to:
- To check if you are using any of the deleted or adjusted ABAP development objects in your customer coding refer sap note
BOM and Routing migration to Production Version
- As of SAP S/4HANA, on-premise edition 1511, the functional relation between Bill of Material (BOM), Routing and Production Version has changed.
- BOM Explosion for Manufacturing BOM will depend on Production Versions only. Manufacturing BOM determination can only happen via production version. Refer SAP Note 2267880 for further details .
- The customizing that determines the items valid for BOM explosion now has the default value ‘2’ (Version with latest valid-from date). This customizing is available under Production -> Basic Data -> Bill of Material -> Control Data for Bills of Material -> Define Modification Parameters

- It is recommended to migrate BOMs, for which there is no corresponding routing using report CS_BOM_PRODVER_MIGRATION. It is recommended to migrate BOMs, for which there exist corresponding routings using report
- The migration of data for existing BOM selection methods like (a)selection by order quantity, (b)selection by explosion date, (c) selection by production version and (d) selection by only production version all need to unify into a production version approach. A migration report merging all such data and associating it to a new/existing production version is necessary.
- Refer to notes 2194785 2201551.

SAP S/4HANA features MRP Live; an MRP run optimized for SAP HANA. MRP Live reads material receipts and requirements, calculates shortages, and creates planned orders and purchase requisitions all in one database procedure. This minimizes the volume of data that has to be copied from the database server to the application server and back, which considerably improves performance. MRP Live has some additional advantages including the following, for example:
- The definition of the planning scope is more flexible. MRP Live allows you to plan a set of materials with all components, materials for which a certain production planner is responsible, or one material across all plants.
- If a material is transferred from one plant to another then the stock-transfer requirement is not known in the supplying plant until after the material has been planned in the receiving plant. MRP Live determines the sequence in which materials have to be planned across several plants.
- MRP Live is a prerequisite for the future production planning and detailed scheduling PP/DS solution in SAP S/4HANA.
For more details, refer to SAP note 2268085 – S4TWL – MRP in HANA
Planning File
In the classic Business Suite, reports RMMDVM10 and RMMDVM20 made a first setup of planning file entries and checked planning file consistency for operative planning. In SAP S/4HANA, run report PPH_SETUP_MRPRECORDS instead. For long-term planning, the reports RMMDVL10 and RMMDVL20 are replaced by the report PPH_SETUP_MRPRECORDS_SIMU.
SAP S/4HANA, on-premise edition no longer supports net change planning in the planning horizon (processing key NETPL). MRP always determines material shortages for all known material requirements. MRP can no longer cover only the material shortages inside a limited planning horizon. This is valid both for the classic MRP and MRP Live.
After the system conversion, you should run report PPH_SETUP_MRPRECORDS to populate the new planning file table with operative MRP records (PP-MRP) and the report PPH_SETUP_MRPRECORDS_SIMU for simulative MRP records (PP-MP-LTP).
- For more details refer note
- For custom code related information refer note
BOM explosion creates dependent requirements for all component materials needed to manufacture a material. Total dependent requirements create locking problems if the same component material is used in the BOM of different materials. MRP live creates very many planned orders in parallel. Locking conflicts would impair parallel processing and total MRP runtime.
Business processes are not changed. MRP reads individual dependent requirements rather than total dependent requirements. Refer to note
Follow the instructions for “Clean up Total Requirements” in the SAP help portal (Link)
- For custom code related information refer note
- For a system conversion to SAP S/4HANA, on-premise edition you have to create an MRP area for every subcontractor. It is still possible to create MRP area/supplier-specific material master data if required.
- This can be done before or after upgrade
- After creation , run regenerative MRP after conversion
- For more details refer note
- For custom code related information refer note
- You are planning conversion to SAP S/4HANA and have implemented own coding to influence the sourcing during MRP
- Sourcing-Logic during MRP changed in S/4HANA. Please refer the note below for further details on changes logic
- For customer code related information refer note
- The Mill specific Process Batch functionality is not available in SAP S/4HANA and is replaced by the core solution WIP Batch (Work in Process Batch)
- It is required to use/convert to WIP Batch functionality in SAP S/4HANA.
- Please refer to SAP Note 2326769 for migration from process batch to WIP batch.
- Please refer to SAP Note 2346054 for information on enhancement to support order combination with WIP Batch.
- You are doing a system conversion to SAP S/4HANA, on-premise edition
- SAP S/4HANA contains a new component which automatically schedules certain technical background jobs. Deleting or modifying such jobs manually (via transaction SM37) will not have a lasting effect since the automation mechanism will re-schedule these jobs with predefined attributes
- In SAP S/4HANA, this manual action has been replaced by an automatic mechanism, the Technical Job Repository. SAP S/4HANA Technical Job Repository takes care of scheduling (and de-scheduling) necessary standard jobs (as defined and delivered by SAP) automatically, without any user intervention
- For more details please refer following notes
- Background information about S/4HANA technical job repository
Additional Information
SAP S/4HANA Discovery
- SAP – S/4HANA 1809 , S/4HANA Cloud
- SAP Simplification Item Catalog
- SAP Best Practices Explorer – S/4HANA Enterprise Cloud , On premise
- SAP Roadmap Viewer – Cloud , On premise, Cloud – Single Tenant Edition
- openSAP
- N/A
Brought to you by the S/4HANA RIG
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